The representation of solutions in the Cube module having been reworked, it's now possible to export data about the shapes and their positions in each solution, in a form that Blender can then load via a short Python script.
Here's the Haskell side of things:
All the logic for moving a shape around within the cube has equivalents for moving a vertex or face around inside the cube. This will be useful for determining which faces of a shape end up on which faces of the cube in a particular solution.
In effect, this function scans all the possible face positions, and determines where the cube is occupied by a form on one side along the X axis but not on the other. These will be the places where the form will need an X-face (i.e. one parallel to the YZ plane). (Locations for the Y- and Z-faces can be found by rotating the form appropriately first.)
A few new data types are needed, to record which side of the solved cube a face belongs to. The 'Show' instances for these have been carefully chosen to make parsing in Python easy.
Now everything necessary is present, to be able to determine the locations of a form's faces for any axis. Note that applyR and vApplyR are used to represent a transformation and its inverse, respectively.
Given a face on an axis, this function determines the locations of its vertices.
Knowing where a face's vertices lie (after transformation) is enough to determine which face of the cube (if any) it lies on.
Finally, all these things are brought together to give a way to describe how to position and colour all of a shape's faces to suit the space it occupies in a solution.
This little helper takes a list of faces (each having a list of vertices) and pulls all the vertices out into a separate (deduplicated) list, replacing them in the original data structure by indices into that vertex list.
Because the colouring of a shape depends on the choice of solution, the mesh can't be generated without specifying a recipe for the shape.
The file emitted here is one big list of mesh data. Luckily, 'show' for Haskell's built-in types and 'eval' in Python are near enough inverses that, with some careful implementations of 'Show' (as noted above) it's possible to avoid writing a parser for it at all.
This rather ugly function describes the two rotations and a translation that compose a Recipe, in a form that can easily be parsed in Python.
Lastly, a test command glues everything together: writing out the data, then loading it into Blender.
Here's the Haskell side of things:
> module Mesh where
> import Data.Map (fromList, keys, lookupIndex)
> import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromJust, listToMaybe)
> import System.Process (runCommand)
> import Cube
All the logic for moving a shape around within the cube has equivalents for moving a vertex or face around inside the cube. This will be useful for determining which faces of a shape end up on which faces of the cube in a particular solution.
> vApplyR :: Rotation -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
> vApplyR (Rotation a n) = times n (r a)
> where
> r X (x, y, z) = (x, 3-z, y)
> r Y (x, y, z) = (z, y, 3-x)
> r Z (x, y, z) = (3-y, x, z)
> vApplyT :: Translation -> (Int, Int, Int) -> (Int, Int, Int)
> vApplyT (Translation (x', y', z')) (x, y, z) = (x+x', y+y', z+z')
> vApplyRecipe (maj, min, shift) = vApplyR maj . vApplyR min . vApplyT shift
In effect, this function scans all the possible face positions, and determines where the cube is occupied by a form on one side along the X axis but not on the other. These will be the places where the form will need an X-face (i.e. one parallel to the YZ plane). (Locations for the Y- and Z-faces can be found by rotating the form appropriately first.)
> faceCoords :: Form -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
> faceCoords form = [(x, y, z) |
> (z, layer) <- zip [0..] (unform form),
> (y, row) <- zip [0..] layer,
> (x, isFace) <- zip [0..] (markFaces row),
> isFace]
> where markFaces row = zipWith (/=) (' ':row) (row ++ [' '])
A few new data types are needed, to record which side of the solved cube a face belongs to. The 'Show' instances for these have been carefully chosen to make parsing in Python easy.
> data Sign = Negative | Positive deriving (Show)
> data CubeFace = CubeFace Sign Axis
> instance Show CubeFace
> where show (CubeFace sign axis) = [head $ show axis, head $ show sign]
> newtype FacePaint = FacePaint (Maybe CubeFace)
> instance Show FacePaint
> where show (FacePaint (Just (CubeFace sign axis))) = [
> '\"', head $ show axis, head $ show sign, '\"']
> show (FacePaint Nothing) = "\"xx\""
> type Vert = (Int, Int, Int)
> type Face = (Int, Int, Int)
Now everything necessary is present, to be able to determine the locations of a form's faces for any axis. Note that applyR and vApplyR are used to represent a transformation and its inverse, respectively.
> axisFaces :: Axis -> Form -> [Face]
> axisFaces axis = map (vApplyR $ r axis 3) .
> faceCoords .
> applyR (r axis 1)
> where
> r X _ = Rotation X 0
> r Y n = Rotation Z n
> r Z n = Rotation Y n
Given a face on an axis, this function determines the locations of its vertices.
> faceVerts axis (x, y, z) = case axis of
> X -> [(x, y+y', z+z') | (y', z') <- square]
> Y -> [(x+x', y, z+z') | (x', z') <- square]
> Z -> [(x-x', y+y', z) | (x', y') <- square]
> where square = [(0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)]
Knowing where a face's vertices lie (after transformation) is enough to determine which face of the cube (if any) it lies on.
> paintFace verts = listToMaybe . catMaybes $
> [paint vs axis | (vs, axis) <- [(xs, X), (ys, Y), (zs, Z)]]
> where
> (xs, ys, zs) = unzip3 verts
> paint vs axis = if all (== 0) vs then Just $ CubeFace Negative axis
> else if all (==3) vs then Just $ CubeFace Positive axis
> else Nothing
Finally, all these things are brought together to give a way to describe how to position and colour all of a shape's faces to suit the space it occupies in a solution.
> axisInfo :: Recipe -> Axis -> Form -> [([Vert], FacePaint)]
> axisInfo recipe axis form = [(faceVerts axis face,
> FacePaint $ paintFace $ map (vApplyRecipe recipe) $ faceVerts axis face) |
> face <- axisFaces axis form]
> allFaces recipe f = concat [axisInfo recipe axis f | axis <- enumFrom X]
This little helper takes a list of faces (each having a list of vertices) and pulls all the vertices out into a separate (deduplicated) list, replacing them in the original data structure by indices into that vertex list.
> shareVerts :: Ord k => [([k], t)] -> ([k], [([Int], t)])
> shareVerts faces = (keys vertMap,
> [([fromJust (lookupIndex v vertMap) | v <- verts], x) |
> (verts, x) <- faces])
> where vertMap = fromList [(v, ()) | v <- concat (map fst faces)]
Because the colouring of a shape depends on the choice of solution, the mesh can't be generated without specifying a recipe for the shape.
> mesh recipe = shareVerts . allFaces recipe . defaultForm
> allMeshes (Solution fs) = [(show shape, mesh recipe shape) | (shape, recipe, _) <- fs]
The file emitted here is one big list of mesh data. Luckily, 'show' for Haskell's built-in types and 'eval' in Python are near enough inverses that, with some careful implementations of 'Show' (as noted above) it's possible to avoid writing a parser for it at all.
> writeMeshes = writeFile "shapes.txt" $ show $ allMeshes (head solutions)
This rather ugly function describes the two rotations and a translation that compose a Recipe, in a form that can easily be parsed in Python.
> pyRecipe recipe@(maj, min, shift) = ((roll, pitch, heading), location)
> where
> location = vApplyRecipe recipe (0, 0, 0)
> heading =
> case maj of Rotation X _ -> error "X should only appear as a minor axis"
> Rotation Y _ -> 0
> Rotation Z n -> quarterTurns n
> pitch =
> case maj of Rotation X _ -> error "X should only appear as a minor axis"
> Rotation Y n -> quarterTurns n
> Rotation Z _ -> 0
> roll =
> case min of Rotation X n -> quarterTurns n
> _ -> error "Only X should appear as a minor axis"
> quarterTurns n = (fromIntegral n) * pi/2
> pySolution (Solution fs) = [(show shape, pyRecipe recipe) |
> (shape, recipe, _) <- fs]
> writeSolutions = writeFile "pysolutions.txt" $
> show [pySolution solution | solution <- solutions]
Lastly, a test command glues everything together: writing out the data, then loading it into Blender.
> testMeshes = do
> writeMeshes
> writeSolutions
> _ <- runCommand $ unwords ["blender", "-P", ""]
> return ()
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