Following on from the export side of the Soma Cube work, here's the import side, in Python, to be run as a Blender script. This is more of an exercise in finding one's way around Blender's object model than anything else, so there's not much point in a deep commentary on it. Each shape of the cube is loaded into a separate Mesh object, and each solution of the cube becomes a set of keyframes for those objects.
... And if you've read this far, here's a little reward - a crude Blender render of the resulting animation. Nothing fancy yet, but it represents progress.import math import bpy import io file = # RGB components are in the range [0,1]. # # NMesh.materials is a list of Material objects. NMesh.faces[i].mat is the # index into the mesh's material list of the material to use for the i'th # face. # When assigning to a face's vertex index list, a final zero is ignored. # So, when creating a square face, rotate its vertex list if necessary # to make sure vertex zero can be specified. def RawVertices(verts): if len(verts) == 4 and verts[-1] == 0: return [0] + verts[:-1] else: return verts def ReadShapes(): meshes = eval(file('shapes.txt').read()) materials = {} for (_, (_, faces)) in meshes: for i, (_, mat_name) in enumerate(faces): if mat_name not in materials: n = len(materials) material = material.diffuse_color = [(n & (1<<j)) and 1.0 or 0.3 for j in range(3)] materials[mat_name] = material for i, (name, (verts, faces)) in enumerate(meshes): poly = poly.vertices.add(len(verts)) for j, v in enumerate(verts): poly.vertices[j].co = v mesh_materials = [] for (_, mat_name) in faces: if mat_name not in mesh_materials: mesh_materials.append(mat_name) for mat_name in mesh_materials: poly.materials.append([mat_name]) poly.faces.add(len(faces)) for j, (verts, mat_name) in enumerate(faces): f = poly.faces[j] f.vertices_raw = RawVertices(verts) f.material_index = mesh_materials.index(mat_name) poly.update() obj =, poly) def ReadSolutions(): solutions = eval(file('pysolutions.txt').read()) frames_per_solution = 10 for i, solution in enumerate(solutions + solutions[:1]): for name, (euler, location) in solution: props = {'rotation_euler': euler, 'location': location } obj =[name] anim_data = obj.animation_data or obj.animation_data_create() action = anim_data.action if action is None: action ='%s_Action' % name) for prop in 'location', 'rotation_euler': for index in range(3):, index) anim_data.action = action for curve in action.fcurves: value = props[curve.data_path][curve.array_index] curve.keyframe_points.insert(i * frames_per_solution, value) bpy.context.scene.frame_end = i * frames_per_solution if __name__ == '__main__': ReadShapes() ReadSolutions()
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