Friday, 17 March 2023

Doom Interrupted My Naked Lunch

David Cronenbourg's Naked Lunch is a strange film, based on William S. Burroughs' strange book of the same name. Much of it is depicted from the point of view of someone whose grip on reality is very tenuous, and it has the effect of leaving the viewer unsure of reality too.

I saw it for the first time in about twenty years at the Prince Charles Cinema just off Leicester Square, last Tuesday evening.

What made it more strange this time was that, about half-way through, in a generally quiet shot, I suddenly thought I heard an imp from the original 1993 Doom dying. It seemed to stand out very clearly but, this being a cinema screening, I couldn't rewind the film to see if I'd imagined it.

The game is from 1993 and the film is from 1991. Could the game have lifted from the film, or might they have used the same sound effects?

Here's the shot from Naked Lunch, in which the sound that I noticed can be heard at the end:

Meanwhile the imp death in question is here:

It is a match!

Doom Wiki's list of Origins of Doom Sounds says the imp death sounds are actually recordings of camel vocalisations taken from a Lucasfilm sound library, and Naked Lunch must have used the same one.

It was a strange thing to notice in the cinema.

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