I've been at the cube again. Quite a lot has developed, but it's all been built upon some relatively small but important changes to the way that the original cube solving code models its work. Specifically, each solution now carries with it not only information about which shapes occupy which cells, but also information about how to translate and rotate each piece from its default position into its position within the solution.
This is crucial for tasks such as exporting solution geometry to a 3D modelling package such as Blender ... of which more later. For the moment, here's a very boring rehash of the existing code, for completeness.
The shapes remain the same. The last one has been slightly renamed to avoid conflict with the axis of the same name.
The order in which rows of a form are displayed has been reversed, so that Y increases up the screen. With X increasing to the right, this means that each layer of the cube is displayed as if viewed from above (looking towards -Z) in a right-handed coordinate system, so it fits Blender naturally.
The following splits a list into chunks, each of which (except maybe the last) has length 3. This would naturally generalise to chunks of length N if needed. This was previously defined within 'defaultForm' but is now more widely useful.
As well as flattening a form into a list, the inverse operation will also be necessary. This takes a flat list and produces a list of triples of triples.
The opposite of 'asBits', this takes a shape and a bit sequence representing its form, and reconstructs the form. The ability to do this means that computations can take place purely in terms of bit sequences, and the results can still be displayed in a comprehensible manner by expanding them afterwards.
To be able to produce geometrical descriptions of the solutions, it is useful to record not only which shapes occupy which cell of the cube, but also how the shapes' forms are composed. As mentioned before, each form can be constructed from a translation, followed by a rotation about the X axis and then a rotation about either the Y or Z axes.
These transformations could all be represented as matrices, but they're much easier to decipher if given a higher-level representation. This sequence of three transformations is referred to as a recipe.
Having given names to these transformations, they can now be listed in terms of those names instead of relying directly on function composition.
Translations can now be in either direction; this might prove useful later.
Transformations being defined in terms of Recipes instead of raw functions, a little glue is needed to describe how a recipe is applied to a Form.
Note also that the rotation about X has been changed from clockwise to counter-clockwise. These rotations now match Blender's default settings, which will avoid complication further down the line.
The special case for the forms of L have been described a little more neatly.
The list of possible forms for each shape can now carry the recipe for constructing each form, as well as the resulting bit pattern.
Finally, this makes it possible to explain what sequence of rotations and transformations was used to place each shape in position in a solution.
This is crucial for tasks such as exporting solution geometry to a 3D modelling package such as Blender ... of which more later. For the moment, here's a very boring rehash of the existing code, for completeness.
> module Cube where
> import Data.Bits
> import Data.Function (on)
> import Data.List (intercalate, nubBy, sortBy, transpose, unfoldr)
> import Data.Monoid
> import Data.Ord (comparing)
> import Data.Word
The shapes remain the same. The last one has been slightly renamed to avoid conflict with the axis of the same name.
> data Shape = L | S | T | R | P | Q | Y'
> deriving (Enum, Show)
> plan L = "XXX" ++
> "X "
> plan S = " XX" ++
> "XX "
> plan T = "XXX" ++
> " X "
> plan R = "XX " ++
> "X "
> plan P = "X " ++
> "X " ++
> " " ++
> "XX "
> plan Q = " X " ++
> " X " ++
> " " ++
> "XX "
> plan Y' = "XX " ++
> "X " ++
> " " ++
> "X "
> newtype Form = Form [[[Char]]]
> unform (Form x) = x
> instance Eq Form where
> (Form x) == (Form y) = x == y
> instance Ord Form where
> Form x `compare` Form y = x `compare` y
> withForm f = Form . f . unform
The order in which rows of a form are displayed has been reversed, so that Y increases up the screen. With X increasing to the right, this means that each layer of the cube is displayed as if viewed from above (looking towards -Z) in a right-handed coordinate system, so it fits Blender naturally.
> instance Show Form where
> show (Form f) = unlines [showSlice s | s <- reverse $ transpose f]
> where
> showSlice s = intercalate " " [ showRow r | r <- s ]
> showRow r = "|" ++ r ++ "|"
> instance Monoid Form where
> mempty = Form $ (replicate 3 . replicate 3 . replicate 3) ' '
> mappend (Form x) (Form y) = Form $ (zipWith . zipWith . zipWith)
> superpose x y
> where
> superpose ' ' ' ' = ' '
> superpose a ' ' = a
> superpose ' ' b = b
> superpose _ _ = '#' -- This should never happen!
The following splits a list into chunks, each of which (except maybe the last) has length 3. This would naturally generalise to chunks of length N if needed. This was previously defined within 'defaultForm' but is now more widely useful.
> inThrees = takeWhile (not . null) . unfoldr (Just . splitAt 3)
> flatten = concat . concat . unform
As well as flattening a form into a list, the inverse operation will also be necessary. This takes a flat list and produces a list of triples of triples.
> unflatten = inThrees . inThrees
> asBits :: Form -> Word32
> asBits f = sum [bit n | (n, x) <- zip [0..] (flatten f), x /= ' ']
The opposite of 'asBits', this takes a shape and a bit sequence representing its form, and reconstructs the form. The ability to do this means that computations can take place purely in terms of bit sequences, and the results can still be displayed in a comprehensible manner by expanding them afterwards.
> fromBits shape bs = Form $ unflatten [formChar (testBit bs n) | n <- [0..26]]
> where
> formChar False = ' '
> formChar True = head (show shape)
> size f = length [x | x <- flatten f, x /= ' ']
> defaultForm :: Shape -> Form
> defaultForm shape = Form $ unflatten fullPlan
> where
> fullPlan = [formChar c | c <- plan shape] ++
> replicate (27 - length (plan shape)) ' '
> formChar ' ' = ' '
> formChar _ = head (show shape)
To be able to produce geometrical descriptions of the solutions, it is useful to record not only which shapes occupy which cell of the cube, but also how the shapes' forms are composed. As mentioned before, each form can be constructed from a translation, followed by a rotation about the X axis and then a rotation about either the Y or Z axes.
These transformations could all be represented as matrices, but they're much easier to decipher if given a higher-level representation. This sequence of three transformations is referred to as a recipe.
> data Axis = X | Y | Z deriving (Enum, Show)
> newtype Translation = Translation (Int, Int, Int) deriving Show
> type QuarterTurns = Int
> data Rotation = Rotation Axis QuarterTurns deriving Show
> type Recipe = (Rotation, Rotation, Translation)
Having given names to these transformations, they can now be listed in terms of those names instead of relying directly on function composition.
> majors = [Rotation Y n | n <- [0..3]] ++
> [Rotation Z n | n <- [1, 3]]
> minors = [Rotation X n | n <- [0..3]]
> shifts shape = [t | t <- [Translation (x, y, z) |
> x <- [0..2],
> y <- [0..2],
> z <- [0..2]], inBounds t]
> where
> inBounds t = size (applyT t $ df) == size df
> df = defaultForm shape
Translations can now be in either direction; this might prove useful later.
> shiftr def [a, b, _] = [def, a, b]
> shiftl def [_, b, c] = [b, c, def]
> withx op = (map . map) (op ' ')
> withy op = map (op " ")
> withz op = op (replicate 3 " ")
> tx = withx shiftr
> tx' = withx shiftl
> ty = withy shiftr
> ty' = withy shiftl
> tz = withz shiftr
> tz' = withz shiftl
> cw = transpose . reverse
> ccw = reverse . transpose
Transformations being defined in terms of Recipes instead of raw functions, a little glue is needed to describe how a recipe is applied to a Form.
Note also that the rotation about X has been changed from clockwise to counter-clockwise. These rotations now match Blender's default settings, which will avoid complication further down the line.
> times 0 f = id
> times n f = f . times (n-1) f
> applyR (Rotation a n) = withForm (times n (r a))
> where
> r X = cw
> r Y = transpose . map ccw . transpose
> r Z = map cw
> applyT (Translation (x, y, z)) = withForm (times x tx . times y ty . times z tz)
> applyRecipe (maj, min, shift) = applyR maj . applyR min . applyT shift
The special case for the forms of L have been described a little more neatly.
> allForms :: Shape -> [(Recipe, Form)]
> allForms shape = nubBy ((==) `on` snd) $ [(recipe, applyRecipe recipe df) |
> recipe <- recipes shape]
> where
> df = defaultForm shape
> recipes L = [(Rotation Y 0, Rotation X 0, t) |
> t <- [s | s@(Translation (a, b, c)) <- shifts L, c /= 2]]
> recipes shape = [(maj, min, shift) |
> maj <- majors,
> min <- minors,
> shift <- shifts shape]
The list of possible forms for each shape can now carry the recipe for constructing each form, as well as the resulting bit pattern.
> combos :: [(Shape, [(Recipe, Word32)])]
> combos = sortBy (comparing (length . snd))
> [(shape, [(r, asBits f) | (r, f) <- allForms shape]) |
> shape <- enumFrom L]
> newtype Solution = Solution [(Shape, Recipe, Word32)] deriving (Show)
> solutions :: [Solution]
> solutions = [s | (s, _) <- foldl addForm [(Solution [], 0)] combos] where
> addForm partialSolutions (shape, formData) = [
> (Solution ((shape, recipe, bitmap):s), (pb .|. bitmap)) |
> (Solution s, pb) <- partialSolutions,
> (recipe, bitmap) <- formData,
> pb .&. bitmap == 0
> ]
> expandSolution (Solution s) = foldl1 mappend [fromBits shape bitmap |
> (shape, _, bitmap) <- s]
Finally, this makes it possible to explain what sequence of rotations and transformations was used to place each shape in position in a solution.
> explainSolution (Solution s) = unlines [show (shape, recipe) |
> (shape, recipe, _) <- s]
> main = putStrLn $ intercalate "\n" [show (expandSolution s) | s <- solutions]